A Little Catch Up

Both of my girls are sleeping and I am enjoying a nice iced coffee, in hopes that the caffeine boost will give me enough energy to write this blog post. 

Update: It is now 8:30 p.m.— the two girls napping thing didn’t last too long. Kenzie woke up almost as soon as I typed “both girls are sleeping.” Good thing she is cute and a happy riser. I’ve snuck in her room a few times this week to snap some wakeup pictures. She’s always so smiley after a nice nap.

I’ve kind of been avoiding this post because, the truth is, nothing super exciting has been happing around here over the past week or so. It’s been a lot of relaxing at the house with a little bit of venturing out here and there. We’ve got a nice little routine down though, we’ve made a few friends and we’ve gone to a few new places. 

One thing I want to start with is I noticed I somehow missed blogging an entire week or so of images. Here are a few that you might have missed from a few weeks ago. 

We spent a lot of time at the pool…

Set up the bounce house…

Pouted when mommy tried to take pictures before 8 a.m…

Played dress up…

Hung out in the playroom….

Played a little more…

Snuggled with Pop Pop…

Camped out in dog carriers?

OK, now I’m on track and caught up, but I'm not feeling particularly creative with my words, so, for consistency, I'll keep going in the manner I started. Simple captions :)


We went to the park. 

And played hard. And Mommy obviously had a thing for sun flares on a least a couple evenings. 

We went to the mall so we can open a bank account (and left without a bank account).  At least we got cake and got to play at the playground!

I realized Kenzie has hair, and I got a little excited about it. 

Scott bought me beautiful flowers and I took some Macro images. OK, that's a lie, I bought them myself at the grocery store. They were about $8 and were dead the next day. :(

The girls did some fighting -- and I got one of my most favorite images to date! <3

We practiced our Spanish.

I played hide and seek with the two worst hiders ever :)

Did some bike riding. 

I love this one too <3. 

Yes, this is cheesy central, but I seriously love it LOL. 

Selfie time! (Finally!)

Oh hi there, Kenzie Bear!

I now know how to get Madison to brush her hair. Obviously, I will cut it off if she doesn't brush it. 

I forced my child to play in good light :).

We left the house and had a playdate with a new friend (for Maddie and for Mommy!). Can you tell these are children of photographers? Always refuse to look at the camera. :)

That's all for now! See, we haven't really been up to much around here! :)